Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adventures of a Non- Hebrew Speaker in an Outdoor Market

After our first day of classes, I went with friends to the shuk, which is a huge outdoor market that actually covers an entire neighborhood of Jerusalem. Fruit and vegetable vendors, meat, fish, candy and sweet all in one little area and everything is much cheaper and fresher than what I can get in the grocery store. Oh, and most of the shopkeepers don't really speak English, so we had a lot of miscommunication, gestures and hand signals. We found a place where we can get bulk grains and on Thursday I made my first meal all by myself. Nothing great, but it was the first real meal I had had since Monday and it was fantastic. It might be bad that I’m already making a mental list of things I want when I get home, and one is a good home cooked meal. A cup of good American coffee would also be pretty sweet, not gonna lie. But the shuk was definitely a unique experience to say the least. We walked one entire alley before turning around and actually buying stuff. There’s so much going on and its overwhelming.  

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